Welcome to my blog!
Hello and welcome!
Despite the name, this blog is not a blog about how overweight I am (although I could probably write about that too…). This blog is going to serve as a record of my journey to FAT FIRE. If you don’t know what FAT FIRE is, we will cover that off along the way. For now, you can simply read it as I want to retire young (mid 40s) and live a life without restriction.
Most blogs on FIRE (especially FAT FIRE) are US focused. I am a UK based Software Engineer, and perhaps even more interestingly, most of my income comes from a regular PAYEE job.
If any of this sounds interesting to you at all, please pop your email in the subscription box below, and you’ll receive notifications of new posts as I write them. The first one I am writing is called “My FATFIRE journey so far” and should be out in the next week or so.
-The FAT Software engineer.